Items where Author is "Roshan Milani, SH"
Saboory, E and Roshan Milani, SH and Ghadimkhani, M (2019) Effect of early‐life inflammation and magnesium sulfate on hyperthermia‐induced seizures in infant rats: Susceptibility to pentylenetetrazol‐induced seizures later in life. Developmental Psychobiology, 61. pp. 96-106.
Abdollahzade Fard, A and Hosseini Gharalari, F and Roshan Milani, SH and Khalilpour, J (2019) Macrophage migration inhibitory factor antagonist (p425) ameliorates kidney histopathological and functional changes in diabetic rats Antagonista (p425) do fator de inibição da migração de macrófagos (MIF) melhora as alterações histopatológicas e funcionais renais em ratos diabéticos. J.Bras.Nefrol, 41 (3). pp. 315-322.
Soltanineghad, M and Kheradmand, F and Pourheidar, M and Chodari, L and Motazakker, M and Pourheydar, B and Saboory, E and Roshan Milani, SH (2019) Opioid-mediated Sertoli cells apoptosis is involved in testicular homeostasis and/or reproductive dysfunction. Bratisl Med J, 120 (4). pp. 277-283.
Azizi, N and MahmoodKhani, M and Abdollahzadeh, N and Chodari, L and Roshan Milani, SH and Saboory, E and Gholinejad, Z and Sayyadi, H (2019) Parental pre-conception stress status and risk for anxiety in rat offspring: specific and sexdependent maternal and paternal effects. STRESS. pp. 1-13.
Gholipoor, P and Kiyani, A and Ghazavi, A and Saboory, E and Javanmardi, E and Roshan Milani, SH and Mohammadi, S and Rasmi, Y (2017) Prenatal stress potentiates febrile seizure and leads to long-lasting increase in cortisol blood levels in children under 2 years old. Epilepsy & Behavior, 72. pp. 22-27.
Gholipoor, P and Saboory, E and Ghazavi, A and Kiyani, A and Roshan Milani, SH and Mohammadi, S and Javanmardi, E and Rasmi, Y (2017) Prenatal stress potentiates febrile seizure and leads to long-lasting increase in cortisol blood levels in children under 2Â years old. Epilepsy and Behavior, 72. pp. 22-27.
Panahi, Y and Sadeghi Hashjin, G and Rassouli, A and Saboory, E and Roshan Milani, SH and Rasmi, Y and Derafshpour, L (2017) The effect of selective opioid receptor agonists and antagonists on epileptiform activity in morphine-dependent infant mice hippocampal slices. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 60. pp. 56-62.
Panahi, Y and Saboory, E and Rassouli, A and Sadeghi Hashjin, G and Roshan Milani, SH and Derafshpour, L and Rasmi, Y (2017) The effect of selective opioid receptor agonists and antagonists on epileptiform activity in morphine-dependent infant mice hippocampal slices. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 60. pp. 56-62.
Hashemnia, S.M.R and Atari Hajipirloo, S and Roshan Milani, SH and Mahabadi, S and Valizadeh, N and Kheradmand, F (2016) Imatinib alters cell viability but not growth factors levels in TM4 Sertoli cells. Int J Reprod BioMed, 14 (9). pp. 577-582.
Ghadimkhani, M and Roshan Milani, SH and Saboory, E and Mohammdi, S and Rasmi, Y (2016) Effect of magnesium sulfate on hyperthermia and pentylentetrazol-induced seizure in developing rats. Iran J Basic Med Sci, 19. pp. 608-614.
Kheradmand, F and Valizadeh, N and Hashemnia, S.M.R and Roshan Milani, SH (2016) The Effects of Imatinib Mesylate on Cellular Viability, Platelet Derived Growth Factor and Stem Cell Factor in Mouse Testicular Normal Leydig Cells. J Reprod Infertil, 17 (2). pp. 1-6.
Reza Hashemnia, S.M and Atari Hajipirloo, S and Roshan Milani, SH and Valizadeh, N and Mahabadi, S and Kheradmand, F (2016) Imatinib alters cell viability but not growth factors levels in TM4 sertoli cells. International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine, 14 (9). pp. 577-582.
Hashemi, P and Saboory, E and Roshan Milani, SH and Ebrahimi, L and Soltanineghad, M (2016) Interactive effects of prenatal exposure to restraint stress and alcohol on pentylenetetrazol-induced seizure behaviors in rat offspring. Alcohol, xxx. pp. 1-7.
Hashemi, P and Roshan Milani, SH and Saboory, E and Ebrahimi, L and Soltanineghad, M (2016) Interactive effects of prenatal exposure to restraint stress and alcohol on pentylenetetrazol-induced seizure behaviors in rat offspring. Alcohol, 56. pp. 51-57.
Pourhassanali, N and Roshan Milani, SH and Motazakker, M and Bagheri, M and Kheradmand, F and Saboory, E (2016) Zinc attenuates ethanol-induced Sertoli cell toxicity and apoptosis through caspase-3 mediated pathways. Reproductive Toxicology. pp. 1-8.
Pourhassanali, N and Roshan Milani, SH and Kheradmand, F and Motazakker, M and Bagheri, M and Saboory, E (2016) Zinc attenuates ethanol-induced Sertoli cell toxicity and apoptosis through caspase-3 mediated pathways. Reproductive Toxicology, 61. pp. 97-103.
Kheradmand, F and Hashemnia, S.M.R and Valizadeh, N and Roshan Milani, SH (2016) The effects of imatinib mesylate on cellular viability, platelet derived growth factor and stem cell factor in mouse testicular normal leydig cells. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, 17 (2). pp. 82-87.
Saboory, E and Roshan Milani, SH and Ebrahimi, L and Hashemi, P (2015) Interaction of prenatal stress and morphine alters prolactin and seizure in rat pups. Physiology & Behavior, 149. pp. 181-186.
Saboory, E and Ebrahimi, L and Roshan Milani, SH and Hashemi, P (2015) Interaction of prenatal stress and morphine alters prolactin and seizure in rat pups. Physiology and Behavior, 149. pp. 181-186.
Roshan Milani, SH and Cobb, SR and Saboory, E and Motazakker, M (2015) The contribution of GABAb circuits in the pro-epileptogenic action of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in hippocampus. International Journal of Research in Applied and Basic Medical Sciences, 1 (1). pp. 27-40.
Nakhjiri, E and Sayyadi, H and Roshan Milani, SH and Saboory, E (2015) The effect of co-administration of restraint stress and morphine in prenatal period and re-exposure to stress at the end of infancy on corticosterone blood levels and pentylentetrazol-induced epileptic behaviors in rat. International Journal of Research in Applied and Basic Medical Sciences, 1 (1). pp. 41-50.
Ebrahimi, L and Saboory, E and Roshan Milani, SH and Hashemi, P (2014) Effect of prenatal forced-swim stress and morphine co-administration on pentylentetrazol-induced epileptic behaviors in infant and prepubertal rats. Developmental Psychobiology, 56 (6). pp. 1179-1186.
Gholami, M and Saboory, E and Roshan Milani, SH (2014) Proconvulsant effects of tramadol and morphine on pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures in adult rats using different routes of administration. Epilepsy and Behavior, 36. pp. 90-96.
Gholipoor, P and Saboory, E and Roshan Milani, SH and Fereidoni, J (2013) Effect of hyperthermia on histamine blood level and convulsive behavior in infant rats. Epilepsy and Behavior, 29 (2). pp. 269-274.
Tavassoli, E and Saboory, E and Teshfam, M and Rasmi, Y and Roshan Milani, SH and Ilkhanizadeh, B and Hesari, A.K (2013) Effect of prenatal stress on density of NMDA receptors in rat brain. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 31 (8). pp. 790-795.
Hashemnia, S.M.R and Kheradmand, F and Noori, F and Roshan Milani, SH (2013) INHIBITION OF GROWTH FACTOR SIGNALING PATHWAYS BY IMATINIB MESYLATE IN MOUSE NORMAL LEYDIG CELLS. The Journal of Urmia University of Medical Sciences, 24 (9). pp. 711-718.
Roshan Milani, SH and Saboory, E and Ahmadzadeh, R and Pilehvarian, A.A (2011) Exposure to Predator Stress in gestational period potentiates pilocarpineinduced epileptic behaviors in offspring of rat. Physiology and Pharmacology, 15 (2). pp. 190-200.
Saboory, E and Ahmadzadeh, R and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Roshan Milani, SH and Pilevarian, A (2011) INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF RESTRAINT STRESS IN PREGNANCY PERIOD ON EPILEPTIC BEHAVIORS OF INFANT RATS. J Urmia Univ Med Sci, 22 (1). pp. 1-9.
Ahmadzadeh, R and Saboory, E and Roshan Milani, SH and Pilehvarian, A.A (2011) Predator and restraint stress during gestation facilitates pilocarpine-induced seizures in prepubertal rats. Developmental Psychobiology, 53 (8). pp. 806-812.
Roshan Milani, SH and Saboory, E and Kheradmand, F and Aghaii Monvar, I and Mikaili, P and Motazakker, M and Masudi, S (2011) A STUDY ON THE ACADEMIC MOTIVATION AND ITS RELATION WITH INDIVIDUAL STATE AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT ON BASIC MEDICAL STUDENTS OF URMIA UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES. The Journal of Urmia Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, 9 (5). pp. 357-366.
Heshmatian, B and Roshan Milani, SH and Saboory, E (2010) Prenatal acute stress attenuated epileptiform activities in neonate mice. Yakhteh, 12 (1). 81-86+124.