Items where Author is "Shirpoor, A.R"

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Number of items: 32.


Shirpoor, M and Chodari, L and Pourjabali, M and Shirpoor, A.R and Tofighi, A (2020) EFFECT OF MODERATE EXERCISES, CURCUMIN AND THEIR COMBINATION ON LEVELS OF LEPTIN AND HEPATIC ENZYMES IN ELDERLY MALE RATS. Studies in Medical Sciences, 31 (7). pp. 539-548.

Ghazipour, A.M and Pourheydar, B and Naderi, R and Khalaji, N and Ghiasid, R and Shirpoor, A.R (2020) Cyclosporine a induces testicular injury via mitochondrial apoptotic pathway by regulation of mir-34a and sirt-1 in male rats: The rescue effect of curcumin. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 327. pp. 1-11.

Ghazipour, A.M and Pourheydar, B and Naderi, R and Khalaji, N and Ghiasi, R and Shirpoor, A.R (2020) Cyclosporine a induces testicular injury via mitochondrial apoptotic pathway by regulation of mir-34a and sirt-1 in male rats: The rescue effect of curcumin. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 327. pp. 1-11.

Nasirzadeh, M and Rasmi, Y and Rahbarghazi, R and Saboory, E and Shirpoor, A.R and Rezabakhsh, A and Zolali, E and Khalaji, N and Astinfeshan, M and Gholinejad, Z and Daeihasani, B and Kheradmand, F and Aramwit, P and Karimipour, M (2019) CROCETIN PROMOTES ANGIOGENESIS IN HUMAN ENDOTHELIAL CELLS THROUGH PI3K-AKT-ENOS SIGNALING PATHWAY. EXCLI Journal, 18. pp. 936-949.

Shirpoor, A.R and Naderi, R and Gaderi, R and Nezami Majd, F (2019) Comparison of myocardial apoptosis in 21 and 90 days after birth in pups induced by maternal long term ethanol consumption. International Journal of Research in Applied and Basic Medical Sciences, 5 (1). pp. 30-35.

Shirpoor, A.R and Naderi, R and Gaderi, R (2019) Ethanol exposure in prenatal and early postnatal induced cardiacinjury in rats: involvement of oxidative stress, Hsp70, ERK 1/2, JNK,and apoptosis in a 3-month follow-up study. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 24. pp. 917-926.

Kashi, S and Kheradmand, F and Shirpoor, A.R and Pourjabali, M and Zeynali Moghaddam, SH and Rasmi, Y (2019) Prenatal and early postnatal ethanol exposure induces hepatic transcriptional factors, gene expression transition and structural changes in the liver of offspring: A three month follow-up. International Journal of Research in Applied and Basic Medical Sciences, 5 (1). pp. 9-17.

Heshmati, E and Kheradmand, F and Shirpoor, A.R and Alizadeh, M and Hosseini Gharalari, F (2018) Chronic ethanol increases calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinaseIIδ gene expression and decreases monoamine oxidase amount in rat heart muscles: Rescue effect of Zingiber offcinale (ginger) extract. Anatol J Cardiol, 19. pp. 19-26.

Samadi, M and Taghizadeh Afshari, A and Shirpoor, A.R and Kheradmand, F and Sadeghzadeh, M and Rasmi, Y (2018) Chronic ethanol ingestion induces glomerular filtration barrier proteins genes expression alteration and increases matrix metalloproteinases activity in the kidney of rats. Interventional Medicine & Applied Science, 10 (3). pp. 171-177.

Tofighi, A and Seyyedia, S.M and Ahmadia, Sh and Kheradmand, F and Hosseini Gharalari, F and Shirpoor, A.R (2018) Nandrolone administration with or without strenuous exercise promotes overexpression of nephrin and podocin genes and induces structural and functional alterations in the kidneys of rats. Toxicology Letters, 282. pp. 147-153.

Shirpoor, A.R (2017) Ethanol and the Cardiovascular System: Friend or Enemy? Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.

Shirpoor, A.R and Rasmi, Y and Hosseini Gharalari, F and Heshmati, E (2017) Ginger extract attenuates ethanol–induced pulmonary histological changes and oxidative stress in rats. The Journal of Biomedical Research. pp. 1-7.

Shirpoor, A.R and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Zerehpoosh, M and Rasmi, Y and Kheradmand, F (2017) Ginger extract mitigates ethanol-induced changes of alpha and beta – myosin heavy chain isoforms gene expression and oxidative stress in the heart of male wistar rats. DNA Repair 57 (2017) 45–49, 57. pp. 45-49.


Saberi, H and Shirpoor, A.R and Keshavarzi, B and Hosseini Gharalari, F and Rasmi, Y (2017) Rescue effects of ginger extract on dose dependent radiation-induced histological and biochemical changes in the kidneys of male Wistar rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 94. pp. 569-576.

Rasmi, Y and Faramarz Gaznagh, S and Bagheri, M and Nemati, M and Saboory, E and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Shirpoor, A.R and Seyyed Mohammadzadeh, M.H (2017) Transcriptional activity of tumor necrosis factor-alpha gene in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with coronary slow flow. ARYA Atheroscler, 13 (4). pp. 196-171.

Rasmi, Y and Seyyed Mohammadzadeh, M.H and Shirpoor, A.R and Zeynalzadeh, J and Hajhosseini, R (2016) Lipid Profle in Cardiac Syndrome X: Association with Helicobacter pylori. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 10 (7). pp. 7-9.

Zerehpoosh, M and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Kheradmand, F and Shirpoor, A.R (2016) EVALUATION THE EFFECT OF GINGER HYDRO-ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT ON THE HEART DYSFUNCTIONS INDUCED BY ALCHOHOL IN RAT. The Journal of Urmia University of Medical Sciences, 26 (12). pp. 1095-1101.

Rasmi, Y and Shirpoor, A.R and Khayati Shal, E and Rouhrazi, H and Saboory, E (2016) Association of endothelial dysfunction and cytotoxin-associated gene A-positive Helicobacter pylori in patients with cardiac syndrome X. b i o m e d i c a l j o u r n a l, 39. pp. 339-345.

Shirpoor, A.R and Abdollahzade Fard, A and Rezaei, F and Taghizadeh Afshari, A and Rasmi, Y and Hosseini Gharalari, F (2016) Ginger extract protects rat’s kidneys against oxidative damage after chronic ethanol administration. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 84. pp. 698-704.

Rasmi, Y and Saleh Mogadam, M and Valizadeh, N and Emamy Nagadeh, K and Saboory, E and Shirpoor, A.R (2016) Impaired endothelial function in siblings of patients with diabetic mellitus type 2. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders. pp. 15-19.

Rasmi, Y and Emamy Nagadeh, K and Valizadeh, N and Saleh Mogadam, M and Shirpoor, A.R and Saboory, E (2016) Impaired endothelial function in siblings of patients with diabetic mellitus type 2. Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders, 15 (1).

Ilkhanizadeh, B and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Shirpoor, A.R and Rasmi, Y and Nemati, S (2016) Protective Effects of Ginger (Zingiber ofcinale) Extract against Diabetes-Induced Heart Abnormality in Rats. Diabetes Metab J, 40. pp. 46-53.

Shirpoor, A.R and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Barmaki, H and Ikhanizadeh, B and Barmaki, H (2016) Protective effect of vitamin E against ethanol-induced small intestine damage in rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 78. pp. 150-155.

Faramarz Gaznagh, S and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Rasmi, Y and Bagheri, M and Seyyed Mohammadzadeh, M.H and Nemati, M and Saboory, E and Shirpoor, A.R (2016) TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVITY OF GENE ENCODING SUBUNITS R1 AND R2 OF INTERFERON GAMMA RECEPTOR IN PERIPHERAL BLOOD MONONUCLEAR CELLS IN PATIENTS WITH SLOW CORONARY FLOW. J Med Biochem, 35. pp. 1-8.

Faramarz Gaznagh, S and Rasmi, Y and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Seyyed Mohammadzadeh, M.H and Bagheri, M and Nemati, M and Shirpoor, A.R and Saboory, E (2016) Transcriptional Activity of Gene Encoding Subunits R1 and R2 of Interferon Gamma Receptor in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Patients with Slow Coronary Flow. Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 35 (2). pp. 144-149.

Shirpoor, A.R and Taghizadeh Afshari, A and Abdollahzade Fard, A and Rezaee, F (2015) GINGER HYDRO-ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT AMELIORATES THE ALCOHOL-INDUCED KIDNEY DYSFUNCTION IN RAT. The Journal of Urmia Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, 13 (3). pp. 246-252.

Shirpoor, A.R and Nemati, S and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Ilkhanizadeh, B (2015) The protective effect of vitamin e against prenatal and early postnatal ethanol treatment-induced heart abnormality in rats: A 3-month follow-up study. International Immunopharmacology, 26 (1). pp. 72-79.

Shirpoor, A.R and Norouzi, L and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Ilkhanizadeh, B and Karimipour, M (2014) The protective effect of vitamin E on morphological and biochemical alteration induced by pre and postnatal ethanol administration in the testis of male rat offspring: A three months follow-up study. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, 15 (3). pp. 131-141.

Shirpoor, A.R and Norouzi, L and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Ilkhanizadeh, B and Gharaaghaji, R (2013) Vasoprotective effect of vitamin E: Rescue of ethanol-induced atherosclerosis and inflammatory stress in rat vascular wall. International Immunopharmacology, 16 (4). pp. 498-504.

Shirpoor, A.R and Salami, S and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Minassian, S and Yegiazarian, M (2009) Protective effect of vitamin e against ethanol-induced hyperhomocysteinemia, DNA damage, and atrophy in the developing male rat brain. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 33 (7). pp. 1181-1186.

Shirpoor, A.R and Minassian, S and Salami, S and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Ghaderi Pakdel, F and Yegiazarian, M (2009) Vitamin E protects developing rat hippocampus and cerebellum against ethanol-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis. Food Chemistry, 113 (1). pp. 115-120.

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