Faramarz Gaznagh, S and Khadem Ansari, M.H and Rasmi, Y and Bagheri, M and Seyyed Mohammadzadeh, M.H and Nemati, M and Saboory, E and Shirpoor, A.R (2016) TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVITY OF GENE ENCODING SUBUNITS R1 AND R2 OF INTERFERON GAMMA RECEPTOR IN PERIPHERAL BLOOD MONONUCLEAR CELLS IN PATIENTS WITH SLOW CORONARY FLOW. J Med Biochem, 35. pp. 1-8.
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Slow coronary flow (SCF) is a coronary artery
disorder characterized with delayed opacification of epicardial coronary arteries without obstructive coronary disease.
The pathophysiological mechanisms of SCF remain unclear.
One of the possible mechanisms that may participate in the
pathology of SCF is endothelial dysfunction related to the inflammatory process. Interferon gamma (IFN-g) is an inflammatory cytokine that acts through its specific receptor composed of two subunits, IFN-gR1 and IFN-gR2. Transcriptional
activity of the gene encoding these subunits influences IFNg activity. This study aimed to investigate the gene expression
of IFN-g receptor subunits in peripheral blood mononuclear
cells (PBMC) from patients with SCF.
Methods: The study was performed with 30 patients (22
male/8 female) aged 35–76 (52.8±11.7 years) with SCF
and 15 sex- (11 male/4 female), Body Max Index (BMI)-
and age-matched (54.73±9.42 years) healthy subjects.
Total mRNA was extracted from PBMC and was determined by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain
reaction (qRT-PCR). The relative expression values (2-DDCt)
between control and case groups were determined and the
Mann-Whitney U test was used for statistical analysis.
Results: There was a significant increase in the gene expression of IFN-gR1 in PBMC from SCF patients vs. conKratak sadr`aj
Uvod: Spor koronarni protok (SKP) kao poreme}aj koronarnih arterija odlikuje odlo`ena opacifikacija epikardijalnih
koronarnih arterija bez opstruktivne koronarne bolesti. Patofiziolo{ki mehanizmi SKP jo{ su nerazja{njeni. Jedan od mehanizama koji potencijalno u~estvuju u patologiji SKP je
endotelna disfunkcija povezana sa inflamatornim procesom.
Interferon gama (IFN-g) je inflamatorni citokin koji deluje
preko svog specifi~nog receptora sastavljenog od dve podjedinice, IFN-gR1 i IFN-gR2. Transkripciona aktivnost gena
koji kodira ove dve podjedinice uti~e na aktivnost IFN-g. Cilj
ove studije bio je da se istra`i genska ekspresija podjedinica receptora IFN-g u mononuklearnim }elijama periferne
krvi (M]PK) pacijenata sa SKP.
Metode: Studijom je obuhva}eno 30 pacijenata (23 mu{-
karca / 7 `ena) starosti 35–76 (52,8±11,7) godina sa SKP
i 15 (11 mu{karaca / 4 `ene) zdravih subjekata odgovaraju}eg pola, indeksa telesne mase (ITM) i starosti (54,73
±9,42 godina). Ukupna mRNK je ekstrahovana iz M]PK i
odre|ena pomo}u qRT-PCR. Odre|ene su relativne vrednosti ekspresije izme|u kontrolne i grupe pacijenata a ManVitnijev U test je upotrebljen za statisti~ku analizu.
Rezultati: Postojao je zna~ajan porast genske ekspresije
IFN-gR1 u M]PK pacijenata sa SKP u pore|enju s kontrolama (P<0,0001), ali razlike izme|u genske ekspresije
Address for correspondence:
Yousef Rasmi
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty
Item Type: | Article |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | low coronary flow, interferon gamma receptor, gene expression, inflammation, coronary artery disease |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email gholipour.s@umsu.ac.ir |
Date Deposited: | 09 Sep 2018 07:11 |
Last Modified: | 18 Sep 2019 07:13 |
URI: | https://eprints.umsu.ac.ir/id/eprint/5028 |